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Professional attitudes and aptitudes - learner

Site: Digital Community and Innovation in Adult Education and Basic Skills
Course: Key Competences at Work: Trainer's book and Learner's book
Book: Professional attitudes and aptitudes - learner
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Date: Friday, 3 May 2024, 11:54 AM

1. Introduction to Professional skills

In nearly all working processes or procedures, an employee needs a mix of different skills. Essentially, we can sort these skills in two categories: One include specific proficiencies attained form education or from workplaces. These are often called hard or technical skills. The other one includes so-called soft skills, which include many kinds of personal or interpersonal skills such as problem-solving skills, communication skills, cooperation skills, adaptability and management skills. While hard or technical skills will always be important, personal skills, or soft skills, have become the most sought-after skills in employment today. Soft skills are reckoned to be key skills or competences at all workplaces and premises for learning to learn through lifetime. In this module, we focus on personal soft skills related to work activities. These are:

  • Teamwork and Cooperation
  • Management and Independence

1.1. Professional skills

Below you see a list of different professional working skills related to personal and interpersonal skills. Please make a mark on following questions:

What kind of skills do you use at your daily work? 
What kind of skills are necessary to manage in your daily work?
What kind of skills do you need to develop even more in your daily work?


Try to be as honest as possible in your evaluation and self-assessment:



Daily use

Necessary to manage

Skills to develop


To build relationship




To trust coworkers




































Analytical skills




Ability to plan and organize a working process









Problem-solving skills





Willingness to learn new tasks




Positive attitude 





Flexibility to changes






Discuss the evaluation with coworkers or trainers. Have focus on skills necessary at your daily work!