Analysis of context
Legal framework in Poland
The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies 2011-2012
International Assessment of Adults Competencies was carried out in 2011-2012. They studied the level of basic skills such as understanding of the text and the level of mathematical and IT skills. The research was made in 24 countries including Poland, where almost 10,000 people was tested. General results of the research indicated that the level of understanding of the text in Poland is 267 points in relation to the average 273 points obtained in the group of countries belonging to the OECD. Mathematical skills level in Poland was established on 260 points to 269 points in the OECD group. Even though Polish average scores are below the average of OECD countries, during the seventeen years they rose better than in all the surveyed countries. A similar research IALS carried out In Poland in 1994 indicated 232 points for understanding the text in relation to 267 points in 2012.
Unfortunately, the mathematical and IT skills proved to be the lowest of all the countries participating in the study. Research indicates that only 50,2% of respondents in Poland completed the test PIAAC using computer. Compared to 75,6% average in general. In addition, according to respondents, 46% of them do not use the computer at work. Average result is 30%. 19% of respondents has high competence information and communication in relation to the average of 34%.
If it comes to understanding of the text there is a huge difference between the generations. Young people aged 16-26 reach approximately 280 points in relation to adults aged 55-65 years, their average score is only 32 point. People with secondary education and the vocational education reached the result below the average. Because this group is the largest in Poland (over 56% of the respondents aged 25-65 years) it affects strongly at the outcome of the Polish test. The results of the Polish students are highly heterogeneous. Worse results reach the students of humanistic and social field of study than medical, technical and science.
A good result, compared to the other surveyed countries, have public administration, employees of the service sector, health and office workers. The unemployed and the passive reach scores which are significantly lower than the average in the surveyed countries.
The average level of urban residents is definitely higher than the countryside inhabitants. Results of Polish farmers are very low, this occupational group is substantially higher in Poland than in other countries.
Unique is that women have higher results in both: the understanding of the text and mathematical skills. In other countries the men reach higher average scores, although the difference is minimal. Research also showed that young people in Poland achieved average results higher than the OECD group in understanding the text.
If it comes to the level of mathematical and IT skills the best scores are reach by a workers of modern service branch. The best scores have high qualified intellectual workers. They are better than simple job worker, qualified physical worker and medium qualified intellectual worker. The status on labor market is important because active workers have much better scores than unemployed or passive. The education has also influence on the score. The best outcomes are reach by people who has graduated higher education (better scores than secondary education and primary education). Inhabitants of cities bigger than 500.000 inhabitants has better scores than people who live on the countryside or cities below 500.000 inhabitants. The score also depends on the age of respondents. People between 25 and 34 years old have best results. The worst have people between 55 and 65 years old.