Analysis of context

Legal framework in Czech Republic

The National Register of Vocational Qualification

The National Register of Vocational Qualification*

*) Following information and text is taken from (National Institute for Education, Education Counselling Centre and Centre for Continuing Education of Teachers)

The National Register of Vocational Qualifications (NSK) provides a common framework for outputs of initial and continuing education and is a basis for defining the structure and content of the fields of initial education through complete (comprehensive) vocational qualifications (CVQ) and for assembling of vocational qualifications (VQ) into CVQ. The current implementation of the NSK is characterized by the fact that the primary aim of defining VQs is filling the gap in the labour market and the possibility to compose CVQ from VQs is viewed as secondary. This means that there are many vocational qualifications, which cannot be combined and assembled into complete vocational qualifications. The national system of occupations (NSP), on which the NSK is based, also points to "atomization" of occupations and more than half of the occupations in the system is divided into standardized positions. These trends are the result of exclusive involvement of representatives of employers as creators of NSK and NSP, while representatives of educators have no significant influence in this process. From the point of view of the labour market efficiency this primary NSP / NSK function is entirely legitimate. However, it has weakened the role of the NSK in initial education.

Better coherence between initial VET and the NSK is supported by the MŠMT assignment that involves Field Groups, which are sector oriented or groups of experts from VET schools, professional associations and employers. Field Groups are based in the National Institute for Education and financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. They facilitate communication among education programmes designers and representatives of schools and employers.

Experts – guarantors who are the leaders of individual field groups play a key role within implementation of this task. They are responsible for preparation of sources and background materials; above all they prepare initial proposals of set of qualifications in a given sector. Proposal are assessed, modified and finalised by external experts in work groups. Each complete vocational qualification is developed in a different work group. Representatives of employers are nominated by Sector Councils.

Among results of such cooperation between teachers and employers are:

-    Proposals of qualifications sets and courses of study for various areas (sectors)

-    Proposals of qualifications standards for complete vocational qualifications

-    Proposals so called “birth certificates of vocational qualifications”, which are further developed into standards of vocational qualifications.

Proposal prepared in work groups are then discussed in sector councils and field groups. After that they are submitted to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and will become source for further development of VET at the secondary level.