Analysis of context

Legal framework in France

Certification CléA created by the committee COPANEF

It consists of the knowledge and skills that a person needs to have, in order to favor his/her employability and to facilitate the access to vocational training – regardless of the professional sector or job.

It is officially registered as of right on the National Inventory and is eligible for any vocational training provisions, including “le compte personnel de formation (CPF)” or “personal training account”.

This certification lies on a framework based on work conducted by the Committee Observatories and Certifications within the COPANEF according to:

  • National Cross-sectorial Agreement (ANI) of October 5th, 2009, annex to article 12 of ANI of December 14th, 2013

  • French Law 2014-288 of March 5th, 2014 concerning Vocational training, employment and social democracy (“training provisions eligible for CPF are the training programs allowing participants to get Competences and knowledge basic skills as defined by Decree”).

Competences and knowledge basic skills cover:

  • communication (Litteracy) skills ;

  • numeracy, and basic scientific reasoning skills ;

  • digital basic skills ;

  • team working ;

  • empowerment and achieving an individual aim ;

  • ability to learn how to learn (lifelong learning) ;

  • ability to respect proper movement and postures, hygiene rules, security and environmental rules.

COPANEF is a national cross-sectorial joint committee aiming at coordinating joint policies as regards training and employment, defining policies implemented by the “professional career security joint funds” (FPSPP) and monitoring the implementation of the “personal training accoung” (Compte personnel de formation – CPF). The members are representative of social partners, professional branches. An official website ( was created to inform and guide professionals, employers, employees, training centers, and all the staff involved in vocational training and adult education (only in French).

To validate the basic skills all the knowledge and competences have to be assessed (there is no partial validation) whatever the professional sector is. This first level of professional skills is favoring employability and access to further vocational training. The content was written in a manner to enable the adaptability to any professional sector, and context.