Communication skills - learner

5. Digital tools

Technology and use of digital tools are implemented in nearly all working tasks. This require digital competence by employees for further learning, for active participation in working life and society in constant change. You have to use computers to seek information on Internet, to choose between different internet sources and do it critically. You also have to use digital tools to write and inform different target group about working procedures, activities or reports. Digital competence involve being able to use digital tools, social media and different resources as Internet, smartphones and APPs of different kind. More specific this means that you must be able to:

  • read and interpret information from digital resources
  • read hypertexts 
  • navigate between different sources and do it critically
  • search and assess information from digital sources
  • use search tools and master search- strategies in subject related/professional tasks
  • produce and edit digital texts 
  • apply basic rules for protection of personal integrity on the Internet and social media
  • reflect ethically on Internet and social media as a communications and information channel


Written activity n° 1: 

  • you can print the page
  • if you are member of the group  (registered with an email) you can make the interactive activity
Evaluate your own experiences and competences in use of digital tools by answering YESor NOin the scheme below:

Experiences and competence in use of digital tools



Are digital tools and technology implemented in your daily working tasks?



Are you confident by using digital tools?



Do you seek information in different internet sources?



Do you use email?



Do you use smartphone and APPs? 



Do you write different texts by using digital tools?



Can you make presentations (power point) to fellow workers (or others) by digital tool?



Can you design and be creative in different ways when using digital tools for communication?



Do you know basic rules for digital interaction?



Do you know ethical rules and rules for personal protection on Internet and social media?



Written activity n° 2: 

Describe in a few sentences both you challenges by using digital tools and your wishes to develop your competence in using digital tools.