Analysis of context

Legal framework in Portugal

Final notes

Much is unsaid, not only due to time constraints, but mainly due to the complexity of the subject. We only intended to present the Adult Education and Training Model for the Group of Schools Júlio Dantas, describing the key competences in this framework. We must recognize that the discontinuance of public policies in the area of adults education and training, in recent years, limits his endogenous, global and integrated development; however we think the Group of Schools Júlio Dantas was able to deal with emerging issues and create the conditions for progress and success.

There are no magic formulas when we're talking about adult education and training models, what we can do is provide with as much information and possible strategies, entering into a paradigm of lifelong learning crucial in times to come.




ANEFA, Agência Nacional de Educação e Formação de Adultos (2002a) Roteiro estruturante: centros de reconhecimento, validação e certificação de competências. Lisboa, ANEFA


ANQ, Agência Nacional para a Qualificação (2007b) Carta de qualidade dos centros novas oportunidades. Lisboa, ANQ.  


Gomes, Maria do Carmo (coord.) e AAVV (2006a). Referencial de Competências-Chave para a Educação e Formação de Adultos – Nível Secundário. Lisboa: DGFV – ME.


Gomes, Maria do Carmo (coord.) e AAVV (2006b). Referencial de Competências-Chave para a Educação e Formação de Adultos – Nível Secundário: Guia de Operacionalização. Lisboa: DGFV – ME.


ANQEP, Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional (2017)

Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional [Internet]. Lisboa, ANQEP.

Disponível em: <> [Acedido em janeiro 2017].




Decree-Law No. 357/2007, of October 29, rectified by the rectification Declaration No. 117/2007, of December 28


Decree-Law No. 396/2007 of December 31


Decree No. 1465/2014 of January 29


Ordinance No. 230/2008, of March 7, as amended by Ordinance No. 283/2011, 24 October.


Ministerial order No. 1262/October 15, 2009


Ministerial order No. 135/2013, March 28


Ministerial order No. 232/2016, of August 29