Topic outline

  • General

  • Présentation de DILABS

    DILABS is made of digital labs for soft skills and and key competences  for trainers/teachers, managers, staff and organizations involved in adult education in European context.

    What are we doing?
    Raising awareness
    • Identification of key competences at work, linked to the labour market, and/or social inclusion
    • Realization of videos to analyse the activity in professional and/or educational context
    • Production of tools kit, and methodology

    Training of trainers of adults

    • Methodology to develop innovative and efficient training programs
    • Digital skills to improve training programs
    • Methodological guides, storytelling methodology
    • Videos to analyse educational practices
    • Student and teacher’s book (how to organise training on the topic of functional literacy and soft skills)

    Development and support of a learning community
    • Implementation of collaborative system in an evolutive and portable approach
    • Improving collaborative work and skills of participants within the dilabs project
    • Training sessions on-line for adults trainers, and teachers involved in adult education


    • Expérimentation

      Nous vous proposons de tester, et de répondre à un questionnaire autour de ressources développées dans le cadre du projet Erasmus+  - DILABS

      Ci-joint la chaîne vidéo DILABS  qui regroupe des ressources vidéos, sur lesquelles s'appuient l'expérimentation que nous vous proposons.
